mega menu
in progress
Mike Nash
I have over 2000 products and have a mega menu to make it easy to navigate around. Example: . This would be critical.
Abdul Kahar
Hi, its been a year and a half, Is there still appetite to build this?
Max Romanov
in progress
Wayne Burlingame
To add a comment about MegaMenu it would be great if the menu was pre-created, drag-n-drop replicating something large like amazon, walmart, aliexpress etc.. and categories we don't need we deselect. Makes if far easier than reinventing the wheel with having to create every common retail category.
Max Romanov
Matt Serralta
Hi Mike. I could do that feature just for you. Do that work?
Mike Nash
Matt Serralta: Right now I'm thinking of running both carts side by side... ie calling the groovekart something like Health Matrix (rather than Aggressive Health) and seeing how it all pans out over time. Obviously I'm hopeful that a few months or a year down the line I'll leave magento behind. First things first I need to get the products imported, then I'd work with the categories and the menu. So I don't know what to say at this point other than thanks for the message and the consideration. If it's an easy job then great. Be aware I'm always adding a category here and there, so would it work like that?